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title. TEDxNebraskaCorrectionalCenterforWomen


date. May 18, 2018

city. York, Nebraska


detailsI was called to speak at a TEDx event by invitation, hosted at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women in York, Nebraska, in which the inmates of the facility were TEDx speakers, in addition to Scott Frakes, the Director of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services and Lucy Wallace of Dance to be Free. Although the theme of the event was “Change”, I decided to speak directly to the women of the center about love and identifying the value in themselves, as well as others. This spoken word performance is specifically dedicated to the inmates who spoke, as well as those who attended the event. Following the performance, I created a mini-series of poetry that I gifted to each speaker who was a resident of the facility. I deliberately wanted to give them something small. These small poems are to act as reminders when they find themselves straying away from the women they were on the TEDx stage -- reminders to help keep them grounded.


Each short poem is inspired by their individual stories.

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